All books: 927

Queen Emma and the Vikings: A history of power, love, and greed in 11th-century England

N° catalog: 553
Year: 2005

Queen of the flat-tops: The U.S.S. Lexington and the Coral Sea battle

N° catalog: 301
Year: 1979

Queen Victoria's Little Wars (Wordsworth Military Library)

N° catalog: 315
Year: 1999

Queluz: the Palace and Gardens

N° catalog: 253
Year: 2002

RAJ: The Making and Unmaking of British India

N° catalog: 792
Year: 1998

Ramage and the Rebels

N° catalog: 391
Year: 1978

Rape of Honour

N° catalog: 407
Year: 1968

Readers Digest Illustrated History of South Africa: The Real Story

N° catalog: 843
Year: 1988

Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial

N° catalog: 267
Year: 1992

Recollections Of Rifleman Bowlby

N° catalog: 487
Year: 1971

Reconquista da Bahia 1625 Portugueses e Espanhóis na defesa do Brasil

N° catalog: 25
Year: 2006

Red Gold: The conquest of the Brazilian indians

N° catalog: 212
Year: 2004

Repensar a História de: Vila do Bispo

N° catalog: 81
Year: 2003

Repensar a História de: Vila do Bispo

N° catalog: 82
Year: 2002

Revista Sábado - O Rei mais cruel da História de Portugal

N° catalog: 125
Year: 2012

Rhodes: The Race for Africa

N° catalog: 852
Year: 1997

Richard the Third

N° catalog: 502
Year: 1973

Rides Round Britain

N° catalog: 923
Year: 1996


N° catalog: 45
Year: 2004

Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna

N° catalog: 734
Year: 2008