All books: 927

Terra-Cotta Warriors & Horses at the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang

N° catalog: 913
Year: 1986

Território em Espera - Algarve Interior

N° catalog: 71
Year: 2005

That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor

N° catalog: 507
Year: 1988


N° catalog: 519
Year: 1988

The "Infamas Governor": Francis Bernard and the Origins of the American Revolution

N° catalog: 642
Year: 2001

The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide and Satanism at the Court of Louis XIV

N° catalog: 735
Year: 2003

The Africa House: The True Story of an English Gentleman and His African Dream

N° catalog: 835
Year: 2000

The African Experience from Olduvai Gorge to the 21st Century

N° catalog: 844
Year: 1999

The Age of Elegance

N° catalog: 52
Year: 1954

The Age Of Empire: 1875-1914

N° catalog: 428
Year: 1987

The Age of Reform : 1815-1870 (The Oxford History of England)

N° catalog: 566
Year: 1962

The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848

N° catalog: 393
Year: 1962

The Agincourt War (Wordsworth Military Library)

N° catalog: 465
Year: 1999

The Agony of the Russian Idea

N° catalog: 713
Year: 1996

The American Slave Trade

N° catalog: 795
Year: 1960

The American West: The Invention of a Myth

N° catalog: 803
Year: 2001

The Ancient Celts

N° catalog: 749
Year: 1997

The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance and the English Merchants in Portugal, 1654-1810

N° catalog: 191
Year: 1998

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles: The authenic voices of England, from the Time of Julius Caesar to the coronation of Henry II

N° catalog: 631
Year: 1983

The Annals of Imperial Rome

N° catalog: 693
Year: 1956